Integrative Adult Sleep Coach Certification Program Track One. Mar De Carlo, and Soda Kuczkowski. March 2023- November 2023: International Parenting and Health Institute.
Live Online Breathe Oral Habits Program Level One. Anna Gross MS, CCC-SLP, CLC, and Carla Lejarraga RDH, OM. Apirl 10th- May 1st, 2023: The Breathe Institute (8 CE)
Live Online Breathe Course. Soursh Zaghi, MD, Sanda Valcu-Pinkerton RDH, COM, and others. November 11-13 & 17th, 2022: The Breathe Institute (25 CE)
Myomentor Graduate with The Breathe Institue.
Sarah Hornsby RDH, OMT. August 2022 (30 hours)
Live Online Baby Breathe Course. Chealsea Pinto DDS and others. July 29-30th, 2022: The Breathe Institute (16 CE)
Airway Detective in the Dental Office-Connect the dots to sleep better, breathe better and feel better! Cheryl Shafer, RDH, COM. 2/1/22. (1 CE)
Buteyko Instructor Training Program with Patrick McKeown. (Certified in Buteyko Breathing Method)
Written and Clinical Competency passed on April 18, 2022 (100 hours)
Neo-Health Services- Qualified Orofacial Myologist (Certified as Qualified Orofacial Myologist)
Written and Clinical Competency passed on July 29, 2021. (16 CE)
Medical Billing in a Healthy Airway Practice. Dr. Chris Farrugia. Vivos. February 27, 2021. (1 CE)
Craniofacial Epigenetics and Pneumodedics. Dave Singh DMD. Vivos. February 27, 2021. (1.5 CE)
Treating Sleep Disordered Breathing & OSA using Oral Appliance Therapy. Dr. Tammarie Heit. Vivos. February 27,2021. (1.5 CE)
Craniofacial Deficiencies. A Biological Perspective. Ben Miraglia, DDS. February 27, 2021. (Vivos. (1 CE)
Breathing Right. Patrick McKeown. February 27, 2021. (Vivos. (2.5 CE).
Orofacial Myology From Confusion to Qualification
Sandra Holzman, MS, CCC-SLP, COM, QOM. January 9, 2021 (16 hours)
The Sleep Epidemic. Ford Shippey, MD. April, 23, 2020. Vivos. (1 CE)
Treatment Protocols in Children. Ben Miraglia, DDS. April 23, 2020. Vivos. (5 CE)
Tongue and Lip Ties - Your Role and Responsibility. Elizabeth Turner, DMD. April 23, 2020. Vivos. (2 CE)
Adult Sleep Disordered Breathing. Jon Caulfield, DDS. April 23, 2020. Vivos. (4 CE)
Home Sleep Testing. Ford Shippey, MD. April 23, 2020. Vivos. (1 CE)
Finding the time. Why Would You Integrate Airway and Sleep into Your Practice. April 23, 2020. Vivos. (1 CE)
The Science of Craniofacial Sleep Medicine. Jon Caulfield, DDS. April 23, 2020. Vivos. (3 CE)
How did we get here? Ben Miraglia, DDS. April 23, 2020. Vivos. (2 CE)
The Nose Knows. Trisha O'Hehir, MS, RDH. November 15, 2019. (7 CE)
Airway Series Part 1-4. Cyndee Johnson & Julia Worrall. A Tale of Two Hygienist. May 16, 2019. (4 CE)
A Comprehensive Oral Facial Myofunctional Therapy Course
Barbara Greene. March 24-28, 2018 (28 hours)
Treating Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders: Beyond the Symptoms
Linda D’Onofrio, MS, CCC-SLP. May 7, 2018: Video Continuing Education, LLC: (15 hours)
Introduction to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Joy Moller, BS, RDH and Licia Coceani Maskay, MS, CCC-SLP. May 12, 2018: Video Continuing Education, LLC: (15 hours)
Oromyofunctional Therapy: Change in Structure
Linda D’Onofrio, MS, CCC-SLP. February 15, 2019: Video Continuing Education, LLC (6 hours)
Back to Basics: Typical Swallowing Physiology in Adults.
Rik Lemoncello, PhD, CCC/SLP. April 6, 2019: Video Continuing Education, LLC: (90 minutes)
Treatment of Feeding/Speech/Mouth Function: Pediatrics (Part 1)
Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, COM. September 29,2018: Video Continuing Education, LLC: (4 hours)
Effectively Using a Multidisciplinary Team
Linda D’Onofrio, MS, CCC-SLP. February 15, 2019: Video Continuing Education, LLC (6 hours)
Beyond Wound Care: The Importance of Neuromuscular Re-Education. Lori Overland & Robyn Merkel-Walsh (4/28/2021)
Connecting the Dots: Airway, Forward Head Posture & Pelvic Floor Disorders. Jen Poulin, PT, PRC (4/21/2021)
Steve Cartensen: Report -ADA Meeting: Task Force Report- Screening for Pediatric Airway Problems (April 12, 2021)
How to Talk Myo. Brook Pettus (Sept/Oct 2020)
RDH to OMT Career Change. Christina Bridges (Sept/Oct 2020)
Airway Orthodontics: Healthier Children with Beautiful Faces and Smiles. Jill Meyer DDS (May 21, 2019)
Sleep Related Breathing Disorders: How to Screen Early & Save Lives. Marsha Luginbuehl PhD (May 14, 2019)
The Link Between Behavior & Symptoms. Roger Price & Sandra Coulson MS, ST, ED, COM (March 2019)
WEBINARS & RECORDED LECTURES: (plus many many many more. I've lost track.)
Dr. Soroush Zaghi, MD (ENT & Sleep Surgeon)
* The Impact of Tongue Ties in Sleep Disordered Breathing in Kids (Presented at ASTLiT, 2018)
Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing an Maxillofacial Development: The Impact of Restricted Tongue Mobility (Australian Society for Tongue & Lip Ties May 18, 2018)
*Tongue – Tie and Sleep Disordered Breathing Part 2: Evidence in Children and Adults (Australian Society for Tongue & Lip Ties May 18, 2018)
*Part 3: A Functional Approach to Frenuloplasty (Australian Society for Tongue & Lip Ties May 19, 2018)
*Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Frenum Restriction: Tongue, Lip, & Buccal Ties (AAPMD, 2018 Las Vegas, NV)
*Lecture #1: Introduction to Ankyloglossia & UARS (AAMS Congress, March 2017)
*Ankyloglossia - A Verbal Dissection (IAOM Lecture, October 13, 2017, San Diego)
*Myofunction Therapy – Functional Evaluation of Tongue Mobility as Related to Sleep Disorders (Sleep & Dreams of Cathy Sept. 16, 2017, Taipei International Conference Center)
*The Face as a Dynamic System. Linda D’Onofrio, MS, CCC-SLP. (February 15, 2019)
Rosalba Courtney ND, DO, PhD
Functional Breathing Retraining for Sleep Apnea (Published online Nov. 2018)
Dr. Steven Park many interview’s & publications
Dr. Bill Hang over 40 recorded lectures and office videos
Dr. Michael Gelb , media videos, articles and interviews
Dr. Steven Lin -numerous media videos, articles and interviews
Sarah Hornsby RDH, OMT - media videos, articles and interviews
Nasal Breathing: Personal Infection Control. Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH. (4/21/2020)
Marketing Your Practice in Pediatric Dentistry. Larry Kotlow, DDS (4/21/2020)
Airway and the TMJ: The Hidden Problem and The Imposter – Discovery of Treatment. Richard Klein DDS
Mouth Breathing has a negative impact on our teeth and facial development" Dr Flutter (2014 Breathing Conference at the Karolinska institute in Stockholm)
Tooth Metabolism and Your Endocrine System. Nadine Artemis
Tips for Hacking the Healthcare System. Bonnie Benjamin
Why Your Mouth Could Give You Alzheimer’s. Dr. Dale Bredesen
The 8-Hour Sleep Paradox - Why You Probably Have Undiagnosed Sleep Apnea. Mark Burhenne, DDS
The Oral Microbiome, Inflammation and Cancer. Jill Carnahan, M.D. ABFM, ABoIM, AFMCP
Optimizing Your Sleep for Optimal Health. Chris Carruthers, PhD, MSc
Can Your Dentist Predict Your First Heart Attack? Amy Doneen, DNP, ARNP
The Shrinking Face and Airway. Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH
Straighten Your Face Before You Straighten Your Teeth. William M. Hang, DDS, MSD
Tongue-Tie - Misunderstood and Often Misdiagnosed. Alison Hazelbaker, PhD, MS
Whole Body Perspectives: Acupuncture, TMD, Sleep, Nutrition, and the Nervous System. Howard Hindin, DDS
The Changing World of Dentistry - What the Future Looks Like. Gary Kadi
Aligning your Brain, Mouth, Face and Body for Optimal Wellness. Lois Laynee
Why understanding orofacial myology is important for your child’s growth and health. Angie Lehman, RDH, COM
What is a holistic mouth, and how does that differ from Impaired Mouth Syndrome? Dr. Felix Liao, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, MIABM
Clean Genes and The Mouth-Body Health. Dr. Ben Lynch
UARS – The Undiagnosed Breathing Disorder. Dr. Steven Park
Doing research using Internet websites other than. PubMed Scott Saunders, DDS
Ensuring a Positive Dental Visit for the ASD Child. Josey Sewell, RDH, OMT
Sustainable, "Green" Dentistry - Why Natural Matters. Reid Winick, DDS
An SLP’s Approach to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Jennifer Simon Triandafilou M.A., CCC-SLP
The Dental Diet by Dr. Steven Lin
Gasp by Dr. Gelb and Dr. Howard Hindin
Tongue Tied by Dr. Richard Baxter
Straight Talk about Crooked Teeth by Dr. S. Kent Lauson
The Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown
Breath by James Nestor
The Breathing Cure by Patrick McKeown
Nobody Ever Told Me (Or My Mother) About That by Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI
Close Your Mouth by Patrick McKeown
Sleep Interrupted by Steven Park, MD
Sleep Wrecked Kids by Sharon Moore