Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is the training of the muscles
of the face and mouth,
to ensure harmony in the function
of the head and neck.
Many have learned to improperly utilize their cheek, jaw, and neck muscles when resting, chewing and swallowing and don't realize the profound effect that it has on their whole body. When muscles do not work properly, other muscles compensate for those movements. Through the extended misuse of these muscles, the tongue's strength and mobility diminishes. To correct this deficiency, compensatory behaviors need to be identified.
At Mountain Myology, we teach individuals how to strengthen the improperly used muscles and prepare them for natural functions by dissociating muscles. We work on strength, coordination, and make sure that it is a habit for a lifetime.
Many people are breathing with their mouths open, and this is problematic because it doesn't allow their mid-face to grow forward. You might have heard that the roof of the mouth is the floor of the sinus. Well, when a low postured tongue or a finger/thumb is present in the mouth, it actually reshapes the roof of the mouth and takes away precious room in the sinuses and airway space. For all ages, this results in smaller mouths with crowded teeth which means - a smaller airway.
Myofunctional Therapy establishes lip seal- nasal breathing which sterilizes, filters, warms, gathers dust and humidifies the air. Breathing re-education can increase the uptake and delivery of oxygen to cells, improve sleep, unblock the nose, and calm the mind.
If you can't breathe well, you can't sleep well. Like previously stated, with a smaller jaw and limited tongue space, the weaker tongue can not rest on the roof of the mouth. This is problematic because it often times falls into the narrowed throat. Our throats are similar to a paper straw and can easily collapse. A forward growth pattern and proper use of the oral and facial muscles will help support an open airway during sleep.
Myofunctional Therapy rehabilitates the musculature that supports an open airway for this deep restful sleep. Via nasal breathing, our nervous system switches from fight or flight to rest and digest. This allows for improved sleep and better overall health and wellness.

"Symptoms are not enemies to be destroyed, but sacred messengers who encourage us to take better care of ourselves."
Mouth Breathing
Tongue Thrust
Tongue Tie
GERD/Stomach Distress
Neck, Jaw, or Facial Pain
Snoring/ Sleep Disturbances
Poor Body Posture
Thumb or Finger Sucking
Chronic Allergies
Bed Wetting (Enuresis)
Crowded Teeth
Narrow Arches/Palate
Flared Teeth
Improper Facial Development
Orthodontic Relapse
Long Face
Forward Head Posture
Short Upper Lip
Developmental Delays from Low Muscle Tone